
From April 25-27, in Casablanca, Salma Zeitouni, player of the ASM Football Féminin, provided her technical expertise for the implementation of sport for peace practical sessions within the framework of the “Girls CAN” project launched by Tibu Africa, partner of the Peacemakers Project. This support is part of the partnership between Peace and Sport and the ASM Football Féminin club.

36 young women aged between 18 and 25 in a NEET situation (Not in Education, Employment or Training)and from vulnerable neighborhoods in Casablanca were trained in the Peace and Sport Methodology, which promotes the transmission of peace-through-sport values ​​ and the use of Peace and Sport by MyCoach Mobile Application.

On the sidelines of the organization of the Women’s CAN 2022 in Morocco, which will take place from July 2 to 23, Tibu Africa has launched its “Girls CAN” project in order to support the debate on the promotion of sport as a real means of equity and empowerment of girls and women from disadvantaged areas. 36 girls aged 20 to 25, as well as 204 girls aged 14 to 18 in situation of school dropout will benefit from the project.