
Peace and Sport – the organization which promotes peace using the power of sport – participates in the 1st edition of the ” Biennale of Luanda: Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace” as part of its partnership with UNESCO. The Biennale is co-organized by UNESCO, Angola and the African Union and will be held in Angola from 18 to 22 September 2019. It is aimed at delegates from governments, civil society, the private sector, the artistic and scientific community, academic institutions and international organizations.

The Vice-President of Peace and Sport, Didier Drogba, will be speaking at the session entitled “A multi-stakeholder movement to build peace and development in Africa”, on September 18. He will highlight the importance of investing in programs that use the values of sport to benefit young people in the education system: in clubs, as well as at local, regional and national levels. Additionally, he will present the Peace and Sport Methodology which develops adapted exercises to embrace the positive values of sport, such as dialogue and respect.

For Joël Bouzou, President and Founder of Peace and Sport:
“It is important for Peace and Sport to participate in this continental event, which will directly contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Involving our Vice-President in this event is important for us, given his attachment and fame in Africa. Didier Drogba pays particular attention to youth, which is a fundamental issue in the culture of peace in Africa. ”

About the Peace and Sport Methodology

In collaboration with the French start-up My Coach Sport, Peace and Sport is in the process of developing an app for the Peace and Sport Methodology.  It will be the first application in the world to focus on “peace through sport”. The goal is to equip coaches, teachers and team leaders around the world with adapted online solutions that transmit peace-related training and knowledge through sport. The first version of the app will focus on peace through football, but apps for other sports will subsequently be created. This digital application will be launched at the 12th International Peace and Sport Forum, in the Principality of Monaco from December 11- 13.

About the Biennale of Luanda
Peace and Sport participates in “The Biennale of Luanda Pan-African Forum for the Culture of Peace” in order to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals 16 and 17 (Peace, Justice and strong institutions/Partnerships) as part of its partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. This event is part of UNESCO’s Operational Strategy for Priority Africa (2014-2021) which aims to “provide African responses to the transformations affecting their economies and societies “.