
Six months ago, the 25th UNFP (French National Union of Professional Football) Awards Ceremony presented the Peace and Sport Trophy to US Pont-Sainte-Maxence football club in the presence of Laura Georges, member of Team EDF and the female French team. This Wednesday, 2 November, the club celebrated the prize with its members and award sponsors.

The club based in Oise was elected by a jury of experts, “11 for Peace”, for its “Every young person at their best” program designed for 5-14 year-olds. Using classic football training exercises, the program teaches them five core values: sociability, mutual support, autonomy, community living and self-transcendence.

As the award’s main sponsor, EDF is strengthening its ties with amateur football clubs throughout France, particularly by providing finance to develop US Pont-Sainte-Maxence’s initiative and helping the club to grow with financial, methodological and media support

“Peace and Sport has been using sport to create dialogue and peace for 10 years. UNFP’s managers wanted to work with us to create and organize community programs through football, and so create a platform for youth through this Award. I want to thank EDF for its support, a company that shares our vision and values. Once again, I congratulate the winning club for its work. Their success and their inspiring example shows that football can go beyond sport and contribute to peace” said Joel Bouzou, President and Founder of Peace and Sport.