
Photos and video of the Forum here.

The Peace and Sport International Forum with the central theme ” Investing in Peace, Acting Through Sport” from 11 – 13 December in Monaco was the ideal opportunity to present a real-life example of a company committed to peace through sport. Deeply invested in Corporate Social Responsibility, Peace and Sport’s strategic partner My coach – the leading French sport app for iOS and Android – has added its digital know-how to Peace and Sport’s field expertise. The result is that Peace and Sport developed by My Coach offers educators an innovative way to promote peace through evolutive, annual sports programs in order to create ideal conditions for living together “better” through sport.

In Monaco’s Louis II Stadium yesterday morning, several Champions for Peace including Marlène Harnois, Florent Pietrus and Hugo Bonneval donned track suits and followed exercises from the “Peace and Sport” app developed by My Coach. They led warm-up, sporting and cool-down movements for nearly 50 children from Monegasque schools, incorporating an educational component which focussed on self-expression, listening, trust and respect for other people.

Marlène Harnois, Champion for Peace and Olympic medallist declared:

“I really enjoyed the warm-up: from a tutorial featuring Syrian children in the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan, we learned the importance of expression and listening with young people here in Monaco. Everyone shouting at the same time is useless; it’s better to take turns to speak. This is the basis of dialogue, a basic yet essential principle for peace-building and peace-keeping.”

Watch the tutorial (in French):

Joel Bouzou, President and Founder of Peace and Sport, added:

Peace and Sport developed by My Coach is a real assistant for educators. In addition to giving them access to the Peace and Sport Methodology, the application is a valuable aid in managing and organizing groups. The first version of the app is based on peace through football, but other sports will subsequently be developed in partnership with International Federations.

For Cédric Messina, CEO of My Coach:

“For My Coach, the choice to work with Peace and Sport to develop this application was a natural one because we share the same DNA. We are committed to disseminating good practices and values in sport. With the federations, we are used to working on mainly technical content. Today, we are proud to have put our expertise at the service of peace through sport. »

Demonstration Video:

The official launch of the app during the Peace and Sport International Forum is an auspicious development and promises future partnerships with engaged businesses and sports organizations.


About Peace and Sport International Forum

This year’s Forum will be a hub for over 600 key decision-makers including Heads of State, strategical leaders from business and the sports world, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, representatives from civil society and international organizations, and bright young talents, who will all embark on a journey to explore the theme “Investing in Peace, Acting through Sport”.

This 12th Peace and Sport International Forum will be held into the very latest conference centre in Monaco – the One Monte-Carlo – located in the heart of the Principality, on December 11-13. This edition will mark the 10th anniversary of the Champions for Peace club, paying tribute to 10 years of commitment of more than 100 high-level athletes.