
Tuesday, 11 October 2016.

A preparatory session for a Sports Workshop took place at the premises of Mission Emploi-Insertion in Melun Val de Seine, an organization for vocational careers training. The target audience was young adults aged 16 to 24 who took part in this training session in the context of the Garantie Jeunes programme.

At 10:30 the 17 participants sat down at tables arranged in a U-shape, with Malik Mazouzi (Peace and Sport) in the centre. The atmosphere was not really relaxed and the respectful audience did not seem very enthusiastic. But little by little, during the meeting their interest was awakened and the ambiance became warmer.


First of all, Malik presented Peace and Sport, and then described the practice of sport with the help of slides, explaining that it relies on the excellence of each person as well as solidarity and respect for everyone in their efforts. He said that people who bear these values often have an advantage in the eyes of potential employers.


Malik pointed out that his association believes that sport brings about peace. That’s why it brings together Champions from all 5 continents: ‘Champions for Peace’ who are ambassadors for the association. A short video was then shown. He retold the career of Champion for Peace, Muriel Hurtis, winner of many medals, who has represented France on all of the world’s major sports tracks. Then, to the astonishment of all, Muriel made an entrance into the room accompanied by Charlotte Autant (Peace and Sport).


Muriel’s natural charisma and discreet smile impressed the assembly. In a soft voice and with great clarity, she recounted her career, her successes and failures, and her perseverance in her daily work in all conditions. She also evoked the effort she made at the end of her career to reconvert her direction in life. Her remarks were a clear illustration of Malik’s training session as well as the recommendations of the careers advisors from Mission Emploi-Insertion.

At the end of the meeting, each participant took a selfie in front of the others, then the whole group came together for a group photo.


The session finished at 12:30 – what a great start! Everyone will meet again tomorrow morning at 9am … in the field.

Find here the summary of the second day