
The Sports Workshops organized by Peace and Sport in partnership with the US Pont Football, the local mission of the Vallée de l’Oise and the city of Pont Sainte Maxence, ended Friday, June 14 in the presence of the Champion for Peace Benjamin Boukpeti, the Mayor of Pont Sainte-Maxence Arnaud Dumontier, and the Vice-President of the region Hauts de France Manoëlle Martin.

During twelve days, sixteen young people from the local mission of the Vallée de l’Oise took part in this pilot program which aims to increase participants’ employment prospects by including sporting values in the integration process. The sports involved are horse riding, climbing, tennis, nordic walking, general physical preparation… not to mention the traditional Health breakfasts.

For Benjamin Boukpeti, Champion for Peace and Olympic Canoe Medalist: “Sport is an excellent means of education. A good education changes our life and this is the reason why I think that sport really can change lives, especially the lives of youngsters, therefore the whole of society. Sports Workshops prove it!”

The setting in motion by the sport practice (70h of sport in 12 days) makes it possible in the first place to reveal and to value the professional knowledge acquired by these young people. During the various activities they were able to demonstrate their ability to excel, to commit, to follow an intense program for 12 days, to listen and apply the instructions, to adapt positively to a new environment, to create a link and strong group cohesion.

The effects are remarkable and appreciated by the reinsertion advisors of the local mission. On a personal level, there is a decrease in smoking, an improvement in sleep quality, an increase in the level of energy and commitment over the sessions. The participants show punctuality and solidarity for the group. On the professional level, the young people found an internship or a job during the duration of the Sports Workshop.

Since 2016, Peace and sport has organized regular workshops in France in partnership with State and local authorities. The presence of Champions for Peace, such as Muriel Hurtis and Benjamin Boukpeti during previous workshops heightened the interest and motivation of  participants in the reintegration program. The result is that attendees are more committed to their project than people who don’t have this type of activity. In conclusion, Sport Workshops improve social reinsertion policies.