
Conflicts, social instability, competition for scarce natural resources and climate change continue to disrupt societies and markets in our deeply inter-connected world. The economic impact of violence was equivalent to over 12% of global GDP, in 2016, according to the UN Global compact. In this context, Peace and Sport will hold the 12th edition of its International Forum from 11-13 December in Monaco with this year’s focus being on “Investing in Peace, Acting through Sport”. It will highlight the role of youth and the private sector in exploring how business and creativity can contribute to cultivate stability and secure the conditions for peace.

The Forum will explore how business can contribute to building the peaceful conditions that foster trade and investment through sport. It will provide a dynamic platform for a great number of business partners to share experience and identify major challenges in order to build synergies and maximize the use of sport for promoting peace. In this respect, the 2019 Forum will aim to trigger creative change across three plenary sessions and two inspiring master-classes through strong partnerships with international organizations such as the Council of Europe, and sport businesses such as Yunus Sport Hub.

Joël Bouzou, President and Founder of Peace and Sport, said:
“This unprecedented edition of the International Forum will demonstrate that investing in peace can generate positive impact for business while contributing to more inclusive societies. With this innovative format, Peace and Sport is attracting economic and institutional partners which want to bring positive change to society through sport.”

Concrete examples of business contributions to peace through sport will be showcased during the Forum with the official launch of “Peace and Sport by My Coach”, a digital application designed by the French start-up My Coach Sport. This is the first-ever app in the world dedicated to “Peace Through Sport”, converting Peace and Sport Methodology into a global digital tool. The goal is to equip coaches and teachers around the world with adapted digital solutions that publicise peace-related training and knowledge through sport. The first version of the app will focus on peace through football before exploring other sports in partnership with international federations.

About Peace and Sport International Forum

Over the last decade, we have witnessed the continued growth of the peace-through-sport movement with outstanding actions and numerous sport-based programs that have benefited individuals and communities at local, national and international levels throughout the world. This year’s Forum will be a hub for over 600 key decision-makers including Heads of State, strategical leaders from business and the sports world, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, representatives from civil society and international organizations, and bright young talents, who will all embark on a journey to explore the theme “Investing in Peace, Acting through Sport”. Delegates and illustrious speakers from more than 90 countries will pinpoint and share solutions to scale-up investment in longer-term efforts to transform societies and leave a sustainable legacy for generations to come. This 12th Peace and Sport International Forum will be hold into the very latest conference centre in Monaco – the One Monte-Carlo – located in the heart of the Principality. This edition will mark the 10th anniversary of the Champions for Peace club, paying tribute to 10 years of commitment of more than 100 high-level athletes.

Learn more here.