
On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, celebrated every year on 21 September, Peace and Sport was honoured to be welcomed by the National CouncilNational Council, the Monegasque legislative assembly,  to discuss the role of sport as a tool for promoting peace.

Mr. Joël Bouzou, President and Founder, Burundese Champion for Peace Vénuste Niyongabo, and Junior Peace Champions Fiona Berezovsky and Théo Druenne, shared their testimonies and convictions on the role of sport as a facilitator of inclusion and peace.

In the presence of Stéphane Valeri, President of the National Council at that time, and Marine Grisoul, President of the Commission for Education, Youth and Sport, the Champions for Peace shared the different actions carried out by the association, recalling the determining role of sport for peace.

A rich question and answer session followed the presentation,  involving the representatives of the National Youth Council, offering a promising exchange with Monegasque youth who were keen to learn about Peace and Sport’s action to build an inclusive and peaceful future through sport as a common vector of unity.

Peace and Sport would like to thank the National Council of Monaco and its elected members for their welcome and interest, and for providing a platform in their premises.

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