
Games of La Francophonie

Strengthening the legacy of the 2023 Games of La Francophonie

The CIJF aimed to strengthen the legacy of this major event, bringing together thousands of young athletes and artists, by raising awareness of the social impact of sport.

Democratic Republic of Congo

The organisers have signed a partnership agreement with Peace and Sport to draw on our expertise and offer young participants the opportunity to become agents of development through sport.

 This collaboration is an example of good practice, capitalising on the presence of thousands of people from different backg



How does Peace and Sport support this project?

Athletes’ mobilization

Champion for Peace and Olympic medallist Benjamin Boukpeti headed to Kinshasa to inspire and raise awareness among French-speaking youth. By sharing his personal experience, Benjamin showed them that the skills acquired as an athlete can be put to the service of society. This moment of sharing enabled the young athletes, their coaches and support staff to understand that sport is a powerful tool for development and peace.

Advocacy and communication

A dialogue dedicated to athletes’ role in peace through sport was organised at the pavilion of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie in the athletes’ village in Kinshasa. A cross-communication strategy was put in place to reach as many people as possible and have a lasting impact on local communities and beyond.

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